Jakarta, 8 August 2023 – PT PP Properti Tbk (stock code: PPRO) through its subsidiary, PT PPRO Sampurna Jaya, will soon carry out the topping off of the Westown View Apartment project. In order to welcome the ceremony, Westown View, a prestigious apartment in the heart of West Surabaya, presents various attractive promos in an effort to continue to provide a special experience for prospective buyers.
PPRO Corporate Secretary, Afrilia Pratiwi, “explained that Westown View offers several promo packages in order to make it easier for customers to pay Apartment Ownership Credit (KPA). Each promo is exclusively designed to meet various needs and provide added value to buyers.”
“The first promo is the LIVE OWN! program, Westown View provides a special opportunity, namely the convenience of 10% DP KPA installments with a DP Developer subsidy of 3% for 12 months, plus the opportunity to live free at the Grand Sungkono Lagoon Apartment for 1 year. What’s even more interesting, consumers only need to pay easy installments of around 1 million per month with prices per unit starting from around 600 million,” said Afrilia.
For buyers who are looking for more benefits, Westown View also provides other promo packages that are no less interesting. In addition to the KPA DP payment of 10% with a Developer DP subsidy of 3% for 12 months, buyers also have the opportunity to get a rental guarantee cashback of up to 100 million.
In addition, Westown View also provides a grand prize promo “IT’S MY DREAM”. You have the opportunity to win prizes in the form of 1 unit of Daihatsu Rocky car, 1 unit of Honda Brio car, 2 units of Gesits motorbikes, and various other attractive prizes which will be drawn at the end of 2023.
Due to the sale of Westown View at Tower La Chiva which shows a positive trend and accelerated development progress, the stock of apartment units at Westown View is increasingly limited. For this reason, don’t miss this golden opportunity to own a luxurious residence and enjoy the various exclusive facilities offered by this apartment.